New Guinea pig piccies
Hi readers, this is just a quick post with some new piccies of Bramble and Patches. "Sooooo cute" "Such a cute little face" "This is my GOOD side" "Just a bit closer please"says Patches "I'll sit here and you can take the photos"says Bramble "YUM,YUM,YUM and more YUM"they say to freshly cut grass cut by hand(they wanted it in bowls. The little monkeys). "NOM,NOM,NOM and more NOMMING" "I got a wood shaving on my nose :(" says Bramble. "Leave me alone. I'm trying to eat" Grumps Patches "Me sooo cute" Squeaks Bramble. "This is my good side" Insists Bramble. Sorry its sideways!!! Patches is such a princess!!! This is their hutch. This is patches being an eating poofball. Bramble wanted a nosy. I hope you like the pictures, Book Worm :)