Types Of Bedding

Hi Readers, as the title tells you this post is all about different types of bedding you can use for your guinea pigs.

The first type of bedding is Hay, which your guinea pig will also eat so you should have a safe hay rack with extra hay in. There are 2 types of  hay that I use: Meadow Hay and Timothy hay.

The second type of bedding is shredded paper; this is not very safe because of the sharp edges and it made my guinea pigs go mad! So I wouldn't use it unless your totally out of hay and you have to go a long way to buy some more. 

The last type of bedding is wood shavings. Wood shavings are very good as the base bedding in the   hutch or cage. You can get big bags from pets at home if you have a lot of pets that use it as bedding.
Some people use fleece but I don't because it needs washing a lot, I will put a link at the end of this post to a website that will tell you how to use it.

These are the beddings I use for my guinea pigs: Wood shavings, meadow hay, Timothy hay and towels in the bed end of their hutch.

Its up to you what bedding you use.

I hope you find this all helpful,
Book Worm:)

Here's the link: http://www.guineapigcages.com/index.htm

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