10 Pros and 10 cons of having guinea pigs

Hi readers, I thought a good post for those of you who are thinking about getting guinea pigs would be the pros and cons of having them.

10 Pros of having guinea pigs
1. They're fun!
2. Not as expensive as larger pets such as rabbits and dogs.
3. They can live indoors or outdoors.
4. They can live alone(not recommended. But sometimes is necessary) or in pairs or groups.
5. Once you have all the equipment they don't cost too much.
6. They're cute.
7. They don't smell like other small rodents(hamsters, mice, rats etc.).
8. They don't bite unless really scared, angry or annoyed.
9. They can be litter trained for easy cleaning out.
10. Children and adults all enjoy taking care of them.

 10 Cons of having guinea pigs
1. The initial cost is very expensive.
2. Depending where you live hay and pellets can be expensive unless you buy in bulk which then has the issue of storage.
3. Long haired guinea pigs will need regular grooming and trimming to keep their coat in good condition unless you plan to show them trimming will keep the coat easy to maintain.
4. If bought as a child's pet they can lose interest.
5. If bought from a pet shop they can be missed sexed and they you have to buy double everything you've already bought!
6. Parents/carers are always responsible for the welfare of the animal(s). Not very good if they are allergic!
7. Some people can be allergic.
8. Any operations they could need are very expensive.
9. If you get two boys the can sometimes not get along.
10. Pet shops sometimes keep boys and girls together and then you end up with babies.

I hope you find this useful when deciding to get guinea pigs,

Book Worm :)


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