Pigture update June 2016

Hi readers, here's a pigture update. Some of the photos where taken in May but I didn't have time to do a post.

 Nom, Nom , NOM!

I drew Maisie and it turned out really good so I took a photo for you to see.

Bramble had her first bath!

Hark snoo

Patches also had her first bath! She actually enjoyed it! I will be doing a "How to bath your guinea pig post" soon.

"Aren't I cute?"

All of the piggies had playtime together when I fully emptied the shed a few weeks ago. They got on fine but weren't really interested in each other as you can see.

"Big. Red. Thing. Looking. At. ME!Go Away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"How do I get in here then?Nibble, nibble, nibble" Maisie if you hadn't noticed the door is shut and the latches are across.

I hope you like these pigtures,
Book Worm :)


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