New hutch!

Hi readers, for the last few weeks I have been building a new hutch for Bramble and Patches that will be big enough if Maisie ever gets along with them.

Front view into the run.

Side view into the run.
I don't have any photos of the inside of the hutch but i do have a rough estimate of how much it cost! I got a huge roll of mesh as I didn't know how much I would need so there is lots of that left. Altogether it cost about £100 which is cheaper than a hutch of this size would cost if I had got a ready made one. The size of the hutch is: 4ftLx4ftWx4ftH(including legs). The run is:4ftWx150cmLx4ftH. I ran out of wood for a run roof so i found some left over plywood and a random old piece of wood and mesh.

Book Worm :)


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