Choosing your guinea pigs:Male or Female?

Hi readers, When I first thought about getting guinea pigs I was going to get a male, but then I went in to my local Pets At Home a week before my birthday and saw and held Patches. And decided to get a female instead. But couldn't reserve her! When I went back a week later she was still there so of course I bought her!

This may sound odd coming from someone who has only females but males are supposed to be friendlier and can be better on their own. As well as being friendly males can be kept on their own better than females.

Females are easier to keep together than males. I have 3 females who don't get along (well Bramble and Patches live together and don't get along!). Personally I would go with females as they don't get as many health problems as males and can be kept in large groups.

Mixed Groups
Mixed groups are good as long as the males and/or females are neutered and I mean all males or all females not just 1 or 2 males or females. Pets Palace TV, Little Adventures, LooBoosShedZoo and GuineaPig Wheekly on YouTube all have mixed groups.

I hope you find this useful when choosing to have males or females,

Book Worm :)


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