Updated post all about my guinea pigs Bramble and Patches

Hi readers, I have had my piggies for a whole 6 months now so I thought it was about time a did an update on them.

Name: Bramble (obviously)
Age: 8 Months
Fave things to do: Beg, Eat, Bar biting(unfortunately), Eating willow sticks and Sun bathing.
Fave foods: Spinach, Gerty guinea pig muesli food (only as treats), Supreme science selective guinea pig nuggets and Apple.
Bramble is a friendly guinea pig who is always at the front of the hutch in the morning and who loves cuddles and being brushed.

Name: Patches (also obvious)
Age: 8 Months
Fave things to do: Kick, Eat, Sun bathe and Be bossy.
Fave foods: Broccoli, Spinach, Apple and Guinea pig pellets.
Patches is a very funny piggie with a LOT of energy and can be very crazy from time to time and doesn't like being brushed and is not as keen as Bramble to be cuddled.

Book Worm :)

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