How to weigh a guinea pig(s) and why it is important

HI! Sorry I haven't posted for a while! I had a bit of a writers block and as most of you will probably know I now have a Labrador puppy called Angel (but she doesn't act like one!).

Why weigh your guinea pig(s)

Weighing them is a good way to find out if they are ill.
Guinea pigs are prey animals so they try to hide when they are ill and when most guinea pigs are ill they lose some weight.
It is also a good way to make sure they are not overweight as like many small animals, it is very easy for them to get overweight.
Guinea pigs don't need vaccinations so they only go to the vet when needed unlike rabbits, dogs and cats. This means they are not weighed regularly at the vets. So weighing at home is a great way to tell if they are healthy and also useful if they need to go to the vet so they can see their normal weight.
It is also useful for working out how much mite treatment to use!

What you will need

  • Scales (kitchen scales or baby scales are best)
  • A notebook and pen to write down the weights (or use a notes app on your phone)
  • Treats (so they a associate the scales with food)


  • Your guinea pig(s) (obviously!)

How to do it
  1. Put the scales on a flat surface (but not the floor. They will try to jump out!) 
  2. Get your guinea pig(s) near to you (in carriers or if possible weigh them next to their cage so you can easily get them one at a time) 
  3. Weigh them one at a time (obviously!) 
  4. Write down their weight as you weigh them so you don't forget it (useful if you have more than one squeaky) 
  5. Give them a treat whilst still on the scales (if they will take it AND eat it. Maisie takes it and then drops it!) 
  6. Put them back in their cage or carrier. 
  7. Repeat for as many guinea pigs as you have! 
I hope you find this useful!

Book Worm :)


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