Guinea pig colours

Hi readers, Todays post is all about guinea pig colours. I thought this would be a good post as I recently did one on guinea pig breeds.

1. Self
The same colour all over without Ticking or Patterning.

2. Black
Black eyes, skin and as dark a coat as possible.

3. Chocolate
Black eyes, skin and a deep brown coat.

Black eyes, skin and the coat should be as deep red as possible.

5. White
Red/pink/black eyes and pure white coat.

6. Agouti
Ticked coat all over with either Self  tummy or Ticked tummy.

7. Dutch
Like a Dutch rabbit it has a white stripe down the face and round the tummy, chest, neck and also on the front feet and white tips on the back feet.

8. Tan
Looks a bit like a Dachshund dog but mini! With black everywhere except the nose, around the eyes, the neck and belly which is reddy/brown.

9. Roan and Dalmatian 
Roans have white and black hairs evenly mixed all over their body. Dalmatians have spots of black all over their body like a Dalmatian dog.

I hope you find this helpful,

Book Worm😊

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