DIY Toys

Hi readers, todays post is about making DIY toys for your guinea pigs.

The first thing is to decide what materials to use; I personally use any cardboard boxes big and small. You can also use pieces of wood and cardboard.

The first DIY toy is a very simple and easy hidey house. To start with you want to have a good sized cardboard box and CAREFULLY with a craft knife or really sharp scissors cut a good sized hole in at least 2 places if it going to be for more than 1 guinea pig or cut out a whole side.

The second DIY is called the hay n treat tube. You will be able to find what you need in your house or garden.
This is what you'll need: Toilet or kitchen roll inner tubes, Hay, Suitable treats, Veggies and Scissors.
Lets get started, first of all you will need to cut either type of tube to the size you want or leave it whole for a more challenging  hay n treat tube. Next put in the hay and as another option put in a safe stick for you guinea pigs to gnaw on and then put in the treats and veggies of your choice. Now your hay n treats is finished.

The last DIY toys is a hay bag; I tried this with my guinea pigs and they weren't very impressed!!!
This is what you'll for the hay bag: A paper bag, Hay and scissors. so this DIY is simple for you to make and all the bits you'll need will be very easy to find around the house and garden.
This is what you need to do... Remove any handles from the bag and stuff with hay and if you want to add some dry treats for them to find.

I hope you will try these DIY toys with your guinea pigs,

Book Worm :)

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