My guinea pigs daily routine

Hi readers, todays post is about my guinea pigs current daily routine.

The first thing to do is uncover them because we cover them up at night because they live outside and we have foxes, badgers and cats that come through our garden and we want to keep them safe at night.
 The second thing to do is to feed them. They normally get: Pepper, Carrot, Tomato and some type of green leaves. When I feed them I have Patches on my lap and they both have their breakfast. I separate them at feeding time because they squabble over food!!!
After veggies I generally clean them out or I do it in the evening.
A while after, they both have cuddle time, which is when I groom patches because it's generally in the evening.
After cuddles they get a bit of hard food which is a little pets at home hard food and selective guinea pig nuggets which both have added vitamin C.
Finally its bed time and they will get covered any where between 8-10pm
Some times in the morning they'll get their hard food like if its raining and they can't go into their run. Also through out the day they get fresh water in their water bowl.
This is only a rough idea of Patches and Brambles daily routine because it changes from time to time.

I hope this is helpful to help you decide your guinea pigs daily routine,

Book Worm :)

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