How to bath a guinea pig

Hi readers, How to bath a guinea pig is important if you have Boars(male guinea pigs) or long haired piggies.

What do you need: A large bucket with high sides to stop the piggies jumping out(Though Bramble almost did anyway), A small pet shampoo, Towels(lots!), Hair dryer(optional), Grooming brushes, a Warm, Sunny day and most importantly a guinea pig! As a safety precaution put the bucket in a run or another safe enclosed space.

Step 1
Get water in the bucket at the same temperature as a babies bath but make sure that its no deeper than 3cm.

Step 2
Prepare the shampoo according to the bottle.

Step 3
Put the guinea pig in and pour some of the water over them making sure not to get it down their ears, in their eyes, up their nose or over their head.

Step 4
Gently rub in the shampoo to their hair(guinea pigs fur is called hair because its more like hair than fur) and rinse.

Step 5
Make sure all of the shampoo is out and get them out and wrap them in a towel.

Step 6
After a few minutes groom them to get rid of any knots or tangles and then put them in a warm, dry place.

Bathing dos and  don'ts
Make sure they're fully dry.
Test the water to make sure its the right temperature. You can use a thermometer.
Give them treats, veggies or grass after!

Get their head wet.
Let them drink the water(Gross!).
Don't forget to check the water temperature.
Bath your guinea pig unless the outside temperature is above 20 degrees Celsius (in the UK thats rare).

Bramble didn't enjoy her bath but liked the cuddle after (even if she did try to bite me!)
Patches enjoyed the bath and the cuddle after.
I hope you found this useful,

Book Worm :)


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