Less than a month till Bramble and Patches' 1st birthdays!!!!!!

Hi readers, as the title tells you it is less than a month till my lovely little piggies have their 1st birthdays which is crazy. Patches' birthday is on the 20th and Brambles is on the27th(these are roughly when their birthdays are because we don't know exactly.) I will do a post on each of their birthdays with pictures from throughout the almost year I have had them. Some will be of just Patches and some will be of just Bramble on the actual day's. If you can't wait you can go through my posts from when I first started.
Some for now:
"It's too big Patches!" "I'm sure I can eat this in one big bite"

"I'm a little capybara" "Sorry to burst your little capybara bubble Bramble but you actually a guinea pig"

"I'm so cute and pretty"

I hope you liked the pigtures and the update,

Book Worm:)

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