Bramble and Patches daily routine spring 2016

Hi readers, Bramble and Patches' daily routine has changed again now they are full time in their hutch and I like to keep you updated on it so I decided to do this post.

Between 08:00-10:00am They get uncovered, fed their oat and grass seed mix and Patches gets her walk.

Between 12:00-13:00pm They get veggies and cuddles.

Between 18:00-19:00 They get their pellets, hay and they get covered up.

This routine changes day to day and I cuddle them at different times each day. As the light lasts longer they wont be covered as early and at weekends I spend longer out with them. If it's raining Patches doesn't have a walk but she gets a longer one the next day if it's not raining. They also get time in the run if it's not raining.

I hope you like my piggies daily routine,

Book Worm:)


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