DIY Cuddle cups

Hi readers, I recently made a new cuddle cup for the piggies because they nibbled the old ones until they had holes in and I had to throw them away. I found this DIY on Crafts, Cavies and Cooking You can visit it here.
Instructions:  I started with the following pieces, each cut from batting, fleece and cotton material:
11inches square for base pieces and 44inches long for strips round the outside.

I treated the layer of cotton and batting as a single piece of fabric, stitching all of the seams through both layers.  The batting should go on the wrong side of the cotton material.

 Then, right sides together, stitch the short ends of the strips together with 1/4" seam to make a loop.
Stitching the sides to the bottom is like stitching a binding to the edge of a quilt.  I find sewing straight edges easier than curved edges, but there are corners to deal with.

Next step:  stitch the cotton/batting bottom to the sides.  Mark the center of the dip and the middle of one edge of the bottom.  Pin the side to the bottom, right sides together. Pin it to the corner and stitch from the middle front to corner, ending the seam 1/4" from the end.  Fold and pin side of the cozy like a quilt binding to the next bottom edge and stitch.  Continue in this fashion around the rest of the cozy bottom.  Repeat with the fleece material.
A template makes it easier to cut.

This is the lining fabric.

This is the outside fabric.

And of course the wadding.

The Finished cuddle cup

Once both inside and outsides are sewn together, insert the cotton piece into the fleece piece, right sides together, matching the back seam and front dip.  Stitch around top edge with a 3/8" seam, leaving a few inches open on one edge to turn inside out.

Turn right sides out, pressing the fleece corners into the cotton corners, molding it into it's bowl-like shape.  Either whip-stitch close the opening or top-stitch the entire outer edge.  Stay-stitch the bottom, 1" from the outside edge. Finished!!

I haven't used it yet but I will tell you how they like it. I hope you will  try this DIY,

Book Worm :)


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