Guinea pig breeds

Hi readers, todays post is all about different guinea pig breeds.

1. Tortoiseshell and White
This is also a colour but it is also apparently a breed. With roughly equal proportions of Black, Browny-Red and White. This is Patches colouring.

2. Teddies
These guinea pigs will have short fuzzy hair which makes them look like a bear.

3. Peruvian
With long silky hair these guinea pigs are common at shows but they need regular grooming.

4. Sheltie
Similar to the Peruvian. With long straight hair it also takes a lot of grooming.

5. Himalayan
These guinea pigs are like Siamese cats. The colouring doesn't come through until they are 5-6 months old.

6. Standard self
They are the same colour all over and are also generally short hair and are easy to groom.

7. Abyssinian
This is my favourite type of guinea pig and look very cute. They are the most common of all rough haired breeds.

8. Texel
I find that this breed looks a bit like a sheep! It is very similar to Shelties and Peruvians but has a crimped affect to its coat.
9. Merino
This breed is not very well known and is similar to a Texel.

10. Mixed
Mixed breed guinea pigs will live longer than pedigrees. As well as living longer Mixed breeds are also healthier.

11. Baldwin
When you first see a Baldwin you will probably think it looks weird but if you don't like grooming and you want an indoor guinea pig these are a good choice if you don't mind how they look. They do however have some hair on their feet, just like they're wearing slippers!

12. Skinny
Like the Baldwin, the Skinny  is almost totally hairless but has hair on it's face and feet,  just like it's wearing slippers and mask.

13. American crested
This is one of my favorite types. It has a rosette that is a totally different colour to the rest of the body.

14. Rex
Similar to a Teddy it has a short rough coat that stands up all over their body.

15. Ridge back
A short smooth coat with a length wise tuft of standing on the back. They also have tufty feet!

16. Alpaca
This breed resembles a real Alpaca with its long, curly coat and a cute little forelock. It is also a relatively rare breed.

17. Cornet
Resembling a Sheltie with a smooth coat growing backwards but it has a crest on it's forehead. Like Peruvians and Shelties it needs a lot of grooming.

18. Sheba mini yaks (bad hair day cavy)
A long haired rosette cavy who is always having a bad hair day has given it the nickname the bad hair day cavy.

19. Lunkarya
A new breed  first developed in Sweden  and is mainly seen in Nordic countries. Has a curly coat that I think makes it look like a sheep!

20. English Crested
Similar the American Crested but the crest is the same colour as the rest of the body.

I hope you have found this useful,

Book Worm :)

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