Type of cage that are good for guinea pigs

Hi readers, todays post is about different types of guinea pig cages. I meant to do this when I started my blog but I forgot so I am finally doing it because it is very useful to know what type of cage to use for your guinea pigs.

The first type of cage is the very common Hutch that is safe and secure but has a downside because they will gnaw on it. I use a hutch for my guinea pigs in the summer and during the day in the winter. A upside to hutches is that you can make them yourself out of wood and wire with small holes. you can use hutches indoors as well as outside.

The second type of cage is an indoor cage which is normally made of plastic and thick metal bars. These work well as cages but they can be too small so if you do get one make sure it is actually a rabbit cage not guinea pig one. Another way to use these is to join two together using string and/or a small animal rope toy that has wooden blocks on the ends, this is the cage set up I use during the winter in the garage where it is warmer.

The third type of cage is a C and C cage. C and C stands for cube grids and coraplast. Cube grids are basically squares of super strong metal made into mini squares, these are usually sold as storage cubes. Coraplast is like corrugated cardboard but in plastic form, this is waterproof and easy to clean. most people who have C and C cages use fleece but you can use any bedding in them. This is a good indoor cage alternative because instead of having a flat layout you can make multi leveled cages which is very useful if you have quite a few guinea pigs that live together. You can also have different levels for different things like food, water, hay and cosy area.

I hope you find this useful,

Book Worm :)

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